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HomenewsTanjong Rimau Beach: Sentosa’s Best Kept Secret With Hidden Caves & Marine...

Tanjong Rimau Beach: Sentosa’s Best Kept Secret With Hidden Caves & Marine Wildlife

Tanjong Rimau beach

With its high-speed roller coasters, atas hotels, and beach clubs littered along the shores, The State of Fun, a.k.a. Sentosa is usually associated with these famous attractions. But unbeknownst to many is the secret Tanjong Rimau Beach, tucked away at the tip of the island.

If you’re looking for an untouched beach with natural landscapes and marine animals, this hidden beach is worth checking out. 

Hidden beach at the tip of Sentosa

Tanjong Rimau BeachBe prepared to get your feet wet in the tide pools.Image credit: @louisamayfung via Instagram

Unless you’re a hardcore adventurer or have stayed at one of Sentosa’s hotels, the Shangri-La’s Rasa Sentosa Resort & Spa, you’ve probably never heard of Tanjong Rimau before. In fact, when you bring it up in conversation, most people will probably assume that you’re referring to the more IG-famous Tanjong Beach where Tanjong Beach Club is located instead. 

Located right at the very tip of Sentosa Island, this beach – which is also known as Siloso Headland – has remained mostly untouched, with only a few lookout points and beacons along its rocky shore.

Tanjong Rimau BeachTanjong Rimau beach looks as if it’s straight out of a Studio Ghibli movie with its lush greenery.Image credit: @lawchang68 via Instagram

Because of this, there are plenty of hidden nature spots to explore on the beach, such as caves and tidal pools. Plus, the waters are also teeming with all kinds of marine creatures so you’ll be able to go full-on explorer mode on this beautiful beach.

Note: Avoid handling or touching marine life as this can be extremely damaging to the ecosystem. The creatures can also be poisonous so remember to watch your step and avoid stepping on them.

Tanjong Rimau BeachVarious creatures such as corals, stonefish, and crabs co-exist in this beach’s waters.Image credit: @louisamayfung via Instagram

While this can be quite intimidating for first-time visitors, Sentosa does provide guided tours so you won’t have to worry about getting lost in a random cave.

hidden caves

Not only will the tour guide point out the marine animals and natural landscapes to look out for, but they’ll also ensure that you leave minimal footfall on this fragile ecosystem.

How to get to Tanjong Rimau

Tanjong Rimau is off-limits to the public, unless you join a guided tour by Sentosa.

This is to help protect the area’s natural beauty and wildlife, as well as to ensure the safety of visitors. Since the area is quite remote, it requires some planning, such as checking the tide levels and wearing proper footwear.

tide poolsImage credit: @hikenseesg via Instagram

Sentosa is a staycation favourite for good reason and while some of us may claim to know the island inside and out after countless visits, there are still secret spots such as Tanjong Rimau for us to discover. 

Even though you’ll have to do quite a bit of preparation and possibly sacrifice a pair of shoes, a visit to this beach will promise a day of scenic waterfront views and fun exploring. 

P.S. This isn’t the only hidden beach on Sentosa. There’s one more that’s publicly accessible from following the “desire path” from Siloso Beach Station near the Coastal Trail.

How long does the guided tour last?

This tour is about 2 hours long and involves walking on uneven surfaces, which can be a bit tricky. You might also get your feet and shoes wet, as the water level can get up to knee-deep. So, it’s best to wear comfortable shoes and clothing that you don’t mind getting wet.

Is there an age requirement for this tour?

This tour is open to anyone aged 7 years and above.

Are the tours expensive & does a booking need to be made?

Although the tour is free, you’ll need to register to join. Registration opens a month before the scheduled date, and it’s done through a ballot system. In other words, you’ll be randomly selected to participate.

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Cover image credits: @louisamayfung & @hikenseesg via InstagramOriginally published on 11th June 2021. Last updated by Raewyn Koh on 15th December 2023.Avatar

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